Jugenderinnerungen 1871 – W. A. Mozart

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Jugenderinnerungen 1871 – W. A. Mozart
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Jugenderinnerungen 1871 – W. A. Mozart

<p style="text-align: justify;">Mozart himself, during his short stay in Dresden, was an almost daily visitor to the Körners' house. For the charming and witty Doris he was all aflame and with his south German<sup id="cite_ref-28" class="reference"><a href="https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Dora_Stock#cite_note-28">[28]</a></sup>vivacity he paid her the naïvest compliments. He generally came shortly before dinner and, after he had poured out a stream of gallant phrases, he sat down to <a title="Musical improvisation" href="https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Musical_improvisation">improvise</a> at the pianoforte. In the next room the table was meanwhile being set and the soup dished up, and the servant announced that dinner was served. But who could tear himself away when Mozart was improvising! The soup was allowed to grow cold and the roast to burn, simply so that we could continue to listen to the magic sound which the master, completely absorbed in what he was doing and unaware of the rest of the world, conjured from the instrument. Yet one finally grows tired even of the highest pleasures when the stomach makes known its demands. After the soup had grown cold a few times while Mozart played, he was briefly taken to task. "Mozart", said Doris, gently laying her snow-white arm on his shoulder, "Mozart, we are going in to dine; do you want to eat with us?" But it was precisely Mozart who never did come; he played on undisturbed. Thus we often had the rarest Mozartian musical accompaniment to our meal, Doris concluded her narrative, and when we rose from table we found him still sitting at the keyboard.</p>

Dora Stock's anecdote written down by Parthey after her death


Language (Translation?)
Germany - Dresden

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